ANOMALY lens and bokeh set


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ANOMALY lens and bokeh set
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So check them out!

How to apply Anamorphic Flares (YouTube)

Resolve, etc. Here's a video to show you how:
They can be applied in FCP X, Premiere Pro, DaVinci

incredible look to your work!
For an extra splash and creative effect these offer an

Don't miss the 25% OFF discount and FREE 4K Lens Flare.

ANOMALY Lens Set from VFX Central

interested they are available at:
my title and intro cards) has curated the set and if you are
My good buddy and VFX artist Aaron Sorensen (does all

ANOMALY Lens Set - 4K Anamorphic Flare (Demo)

that were used on the film.
its VFX work you can get the same lens and bokeh sets
Anyways what's really cool if you enjoyed the film and

like me you've known of his work for sometime.
It was directed by Salomon Ligthelm whom I'm sure

Have you seen the viral Vimeo sensation ANOMALY?
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