Developing Enterprise Web Applications With Ext JS Framework (in Russian)
Инструктор: Антон Моисеев (Farata Systems)Описание:
ExtJS - это JavaScript фреймворк от компании Sencha, позволяющий делать красивые веб интерфейсы.
Курс состоит из 6 занятий, каждое длительностью 3 часа.
Программа курса:
- JavaScript tooling: development and debugging.
- ExtJS as an Object-Oriented ecosystem for JavaScript. Defining, creating and extending ExtJS classes. Overrides and Mixins.
- Using ExtJS online documentation.
- Starting your project with and without ExtJS MVC.
- Partitioning application logic with Views and Controllers.
- Containers, components, and Layouts.
- ExtJS Component Livecycle.
- Dynamic Class Loading. Minifying and deploying the application.
- How to Unit Test ExtJS applications.
- Visual design of Ext JS UI with Sencha Architect.
- ExtJS Data Package.
- Models, Stores and more MVC. Proxies, Readers and Writers.
- Exchanging data with the server via the AJAX proxy.
- Using Ext Direct to remote to Java application servers.
- Offline data storage via LocalStorage and Session Proxies.
- Working with Forms and Validators.
- Working with the Grid. Using templates and editors.
- Creating a CRUD application: ExtJS – Java – DBMS. This unit is optional and can be included if the audience consists of Java developers.
Ссылка на сайт курса:
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