[Craftsy]Perspective in Landscape Drawing
Цена по акции: $34.99 Содержание курсаLesson plan
Lesson 1. Meet Patrick Connors
Lesson 2. Tools & Supplies
Lesson 3. Perception & Misperceptions
Lesson 4. The Albertian Veil
Lesson 5. Landscape Drawing & More Tools
Lesson 6. The Layout of the Land
Lesson 7. Atmospheric Perspective
Master linear perspective and learn to draw landscapes accurately using simple tools and classic techniques.
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Цена по акции: $34.99 Содержание курсаLesson plan
Lesson 1. Meet Patrick Connors
Lesson 2. Tools & Supplies
Lesson 3. Perception & Misperceptions
Lesson 4. The Albertian Veil
Lesson 5. Landscape Drawing & More Tools
Lesson 6. The Layout of the Land
Lesson 7. Atmospheric Perspective
Master linear perspective and learn to draw landscapes accurately using simple tools and classic techniques.