Elemental 2D FX pack (videohive.net)
Elemental 2D FX pack contains more than 140 cartoon FX-animations. Animations have separated layers to customize color and mix fx-elements. They are rendered with alpha channel in a QuickTime(PNG) with FullHD/12 fps. You can use all non-linear editing tools that support mattes and compositing like Adobe Premier, Adobe After Effects, Sony Vegas, Final Cut, Edius etc.
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Elemental 2D FX pack contains more than 140 cartoon FX-animations. Animations have separated layers to customize color and mix fx-elements. They are rendered with alpha channel in a QuickTime(PNG) with FullHD/12 fps. You can use all non-linear editing tools that support mattes and compositing like Adobe Premier, Adobe After Effects, Sony Vegas, Final Cut, Edius etc.