Interior HDRI Pack 1 by Maxime Roz
Interior HDRI Pack 1 by Maxime Roz
От автораAfter the Interior HDRI Free Pack, here is the Interior HDRI Pack 1, it contains 5 7K equirectangular environments which are even better than the previous ones. Those HDR images have way less chromatic aberration and they are sharper. As always, they capture the full range of light available in real life. Well used, they create detailed shadows, accurate reflections, and even sharp caustics. Enjoy!
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Interior HDRI Pack 1 by Maxime Roz
От автораAfter the Interior HDRI Free Pack, here is the Interior HDRI Pack 1, it contains 5 7K equirectangular environments which are even better than the previous ones. Those HDR images have way less chromatic aberration and they are sharper. As always, they capture the full range of light available in real life. Well used, they create detailed shadows, accurate reflections, and even sharp caustics. Enjoy!