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Член Клуба
Серверный скрипт для рассылки сообщений. Штука хорошая. Но рекомендую брать лицуху. Обычно умельцы делающие нуллед скрипта оставляют бэкдор, для получения инфы. Чтобы потом не удивляться, почему твои СМТП в бане


Кто уже устанавливал данный скрипт? У меня проблема возникла, все сделал как доктор прописал. Да только, пришит ошибку.
Только версия по свежея Что это может быть?

по путиlatest/install/controllers/WelcomeController.php
открываем файлnotepad++
ищем строку79
значение: // license check.
и коментируем до сроки: if ($request['status'] == 'error') {
должно выйти так

// license check.
$postData = array(
'first_name' => $firstName,
'last_name' => $lastName,
'email' => $email,
'purchase_code' => $purchaseCode,
$url = ' ' . $marketPlace;
$request = AppInitHelper::simpleCurlPost($url, $postData);

далее добавляем строчки:
//добавимsuccess нашей лицензий
//внимание в полеemail":"[email protected]" пишем свойemail зона/ru не валидна
// Вася Пупкин заменить своими значениями
$request['message'] = '{"status":"success","license_data":{"first_name"
:"Вася","last_name":"Пупкин","email":"[email protected]","key":"000000000000000
заливаем наftp нашmailwizz или лицензию если Вы уже залили скрипт. По пути
по пути ../install/controllers/WelcomeController.php
при регистрации в полеkey/лицензий указываем : 00000000000000000000000000000
на этом все, дальше настройка и установка по мануалу :)


это софт в большей степени для белых рассылок, т.к. не поддерживает рандомизации текста


т.к. не поддерживает рандомизации текста
Юзайте API к нему. Там можно что угодно.
$resp = $endpoint->create(array(
'to_name' => '{{ @name }}',
'to_email' => '{{ @email }}',
'from_name' => '{{ @from_name }}'',
'from_email' => '{{ @from_email }}'',
'subject' => '{{ @subject }}',
'body' => '{{ @html_body }}',
'send_at' => date({{ @date }})


не знал про та
Юзайте API к нему. Там можно что угодно.
$resp = $endpoint->create(array(
'to_name' => '{{ @name }}',
'to_email' => '{{ @email }}',
'from_name' => '{{ @from_name }}'',
'from_email' => '{{ @from_email }}'',
'subject' => '{{ @subject }}',
'body' => '{{ @html_body }}',
'send_at' => date({{ @date }})
не знал про эту фичу)


Юзайте API к нему. Там можно что угодно.
$resp = $endpoint->create(array(
'to_name' => '{{ @name }}',
'to_email' => '{{ @email }}',
'from_name' => '{{ @from_name }}'',
'from_email' => '{{ @from_email }}'',
'subject' => '{{ @subject }}',
'body' => '{{ @html_body }}',
'send_at' => date({{ @date }})

можно по подробней как это рандомизировать ?


можно по подробней как это рандомизировать ?
Я использую софтину для рассылки писем с англоязычным текстом. Т.е. с использованием определенной технологии получается примерно следующая заготовка:
{If you are looking for a way to {earn more money|make better money|enjoy better paychecks|bring in more cash}, {then you need|you will want|you'll need|you will need} {to know about|to understand about|to learn about|to understand} Google Sniper. In fact, Google Sniper {could be|might be|could possibly be|may be} your ticket to {being able to|having the ability to|having the capacity to|to be able to} finally quit that boring, {dead end|stalemate|no-through} job {and actually|and also|and in actual fact|and} {be able to|have the ability to|be capable of|manage to} {do something|make a move|take action|take a step} meaningful {with your|together with your|along with your|using your} life. Stop {getting up|getting out of bed|waking up|arising} early {just to|simply to|in order to|only to} earn {tons of money|a small fortune|lots of money|the big bucks} {for someone else|on the table|for another person} {that you'll|that you will|you will|that you're going to} never see, {only to|simply to|and then|just to} {get a|obtain a|get yourself a|have a} small portion {back in|in|back|last} return {so that you can|to be able to|to enable you to|to help you} live paycheck to paycheck and {worry about|be worried about|concern yourself with|bother about} paying your heating bill. You don't need to live {like that|like this|that way|prefer that} - {you need to|you have to|you should|you'll want to} {take a look|have a look|take a peek|look} a Google Sniper {and make|making|to make|and earn} some changes today. |Today {is your|is the|can be your|will be your} lucky day {because you|since you|as you|when you} {get to|reach|arrive at|be able to} {learn about|find out about|understand|discover} Google Sniper. What is Google Sniper? Just an {internet marketing|online marketing|website marketing|affiliate marketing} tool {that you can use|which you can use|that can be used|used} to earn {up to half|almost half|nearly half} {a million|millions of|one million|a thousand} dollars {per year|each year|annually|a year} {or more|or even more|or maybe more|or higher} {by simply|simply by|by just|through} investing {a couple|a few|a couple of|one or two} hours {of your time|of your energy|of energy|of their time} {per day|daily|each day|every day}. The best part about Google Sniper {is that|is the fact that|is always that|is} with virtually zero computer experience, {you can start|you can begin|you could start|start} setting yourself {up to|as much as|approximately|around} {be able to|have the ability to|be capable of|manage to} earn {that kind|that sort|that type} {of money|of cash|of income|of greenbacks} {for yourself|on your own|yourself|by yourself} today. Though you {might think|may think|could imagine|might imagine} {it is a|it's a|this is a|it is just a} scam and sounds too good {to be true|to be real|really was|actually was}, {the truth|the reality|the facts|reality} {of the|from the|with the|in the} matter {is that|is the fact that|is always that|is} {there are|you will find|you can find|you'll find} {people out here|individuals|folks|people} earning $1,500 {or more|or even more|or maybe more|or higher} {using the|while using|with all the|while using the} Google Sniper system per website. Think that's something {you might want to|you might like to|you should|you may want to} do? |Those who knows {a small|a little|a tiny|a smaller} {bit of|little bit of|little|amount of} {internet marketing|online marketing|website marketing|affiliate marketing}, {knows that|recognizes that|sees that|is aware that} {traffic is|visitors are|readers are|visitors} the blood {of this|of the|with this|on this} business. So when {you are able to|you'll be able to|it is possible to|you possibly can} take {your website|your site|your internet site|your web site} {to the|towards the|for the|on the} {front page|top of the page|first page|most visited page} of Google, {you get a|you receive a|you have a|you recruit a} {lot of|large amount of|great deal of|lots of} {organic search|search|search engines} engine {traffic to|visitors to|people to|website visitors to} {your site|your website|your internet site|your web site}. The best part about Google Sniper 2.0 {is the|may be the|will be the|could be the} {ability to|capability to|power to|capacity to} {create the|produce the|make the} websites using {step by step|step-by-step|detail by detail|in depth} guidelines, {just once|only once|one time|just the once}. Once you are {done with|completed with|finished with|carried out with} it, {you can|you are able to|it is possible to|you'll be able to} {sit back|relax|settle-back|settle back} and relax while money keeps trickling {into your|to your|in your|into the} {bank account|banking account|bank-account|checking account}. These methods can literally multiply {your money|your hard earned money|your cash|your dollars} by creating additional properties. The few {things you need|what exactly you need|what you require} {is a|is really a|can be a|is often a} {domain name|website name|url of your website|website} {which usually|which often|which will|which in turn} {run you|cost you|amount to} 10 bucks or under {for the entire|for the whole|for your|for the complete} year. The next thing is hosting {which is|that is|which can be|that's} 10 bucks monthly for unlimited domains. The method {is extremely|is very|is incredibly|is quite} {user friendly|easy to use|user-friendly|simple to use}.|When you go into {a niche|a distinct segment|a market} market you offer {a product|an item|something|a product or service} {or a|or perhaps a|or even a|or possibly a} service {that helps|that can help|that assists|which enables} {the people|the folks|individuals|people} {in this|within this|on this|with this} market. With our previous example {you could|you can|you might|you may} {offer a|provide a|give you a|give a} guide {about how|about how exactly|about how precisely|regarding how} {to train|to coach|to teach|to practice} {a dog|your dog|your pet dog|a puppy}. You would then {set up|setup|create|build} {a website|an internet site|a web site|an online site} {where you|in which you|in places you|that you} offer {this guide|this informative guide|the guide|the following information}. Then you need {to make sure that|to make certain that|to ensure that|to be sure that} people how {are looking for|are searching for|are trying to find|are seeking} such {a product|an item|something|a product or service} find {your website|your site|your internet site|your web site}. However the {great thing about|big plus with|great advantage of|wonderful thing about} {this course|this program|this product|this system} {is that you|is you|is that you simply|is basically that you} {don't need to|don't have to|won't need to|don't really need to} {create your|make your|you could make your|build your} own product. You will be taught {to get into|to get involved with|to find yourself in|to buy} markets where products already exist and {where you|in which you|in places you|that you} {will be able to|can|should be able to|are able to} sell {other peoples|other bands|other artists} products. In exchange for selling their product {you will get|you're going to get|you'll get|you will definately get} a commission {for every|for each|for each and every|for every single} sale {you make|you are making|you're making|you create}. This form {of marketing|of selling|of promoting} {is called|is known as|is named|is termed} {affiliate marketing|internet affiliate marketing|affiliate marketing online|online marketing} and Google Sniper 2 [ makes this {very easy|super easy|quite simple|a breeze} {for you to|that you should|so that you can|that you can} {set up|setup|create|build} simple sites {that target|that concentrate on|that focus on} niches.|Google Sniper 2.0 {promises to|offers to|intentions to} be {even bigger|a great deal larger|a whole lot larger} {and have|and also have|and possess|and still have} more success stories {than the|compared to|compared to the|as opposed to} first version did. Google Sniper 2.0 {has taken|has had|has brought|has gotten} {all of the|all the|every one of the|each of the} feedback received {from the|in the|from your|through the} 1st version {and it has|and contains|and possesses|possesses} answered all inquiries and removed whatever doubts {about the|concerning the|in regards to the|regarding the} program. Frankly, {if you are|if you're|in case you are|should you be} {brand new|completely new|brand-new|fresh} {or a|or perhaps a|or even a|or possibly a} marketer {with a lot of|with many different|with numerous|with plenty of} {years of|many years of|numerous years of|a lot of} experience, Google Sniper 2.0 {will be a|is a|would have been a|might be a} {product that|creation that|product which|merchandise that} {you must|you have to|you need to|you should} posses {at all costs|no matter what|without exceptions|at any cost}. Fortunately {it will be|it will likely be|it'll be|it's going to be} extremely affordable. Nevertheless, {don't think|don't believe|do not think|don't even think} {of it|from it|than it|of computer} {as an|being an|as a possible|just as one} expense, instead think {of it|from it|than it|of computer} {as an|being an|as a possible|just as one} investment in yourself. The good thing is {that it|it|which it|who's} {comes with an|posseses an|comes with a|carries with it an} unconditional {60 day|2 month|sixty day} {money back guarantee|cash back guarantee|money-back guarantee|guarantee} backed by Clickbank.| If you have {heard about|learned about|found out about|heard of} Google Sniper and wondered {if it is|if it's|when it is|whether it is} {for real|legitimate|the real deal|are the real deal}, {then you need|you will want|you'll need|you will need} {to take a few|to snap|to have some} moments {and check out|and look for|to check out|to see} this Google Sniper review. It's up to you {if you want to|if you wish to|in order to|if you need to} {get involved|become involved|join up|sign up} into this money making program and {figure out|determine|find out|discover} {if it is|if it's|when it is|whether it is} truly {right for you|best for you|good for you|best for your needs}. What you will {be able to get|be capable of getting|be capable of geting|get} {out of this|using this|from this|because of this} Google Sniper review {is what|is exactly what|is the thing that|'s what} {the program|this program|this system|this software} is, {what it|what it really|exactly what it|just what it} does, {and how|and just how|and the way|and exactly how} {it can|it may|it could|it might} effectively work. The real {question is|real question is|question for you is} this - can Google Sniper {work for|work with|benefit|help} everyone, or {can it|will it|could it|does it} only {work for|work with|benefit|help} a {select few|limited number|small selection of|small number of}. |We are not {talking about|referring to|discussing|speaking about} people whose life situations have {put them|place them|position them|stick them} below the bread line. These people deserve our {help and advice|information|insight} from charities {just like|much like|the same as|exactly like} Christians Against Poverty. No, I'm {talking about|referring to|discussing|speaking about} {the average|the typical|the common|the normal} middle class family who seem to think it's their {right to|to|directly to|to certainly} {spend money|spend some money|spend cash} without realising {the consequences|the effects|the results|the outcomes}.}
на основе которой получаются примерно следующие тексты:
In some cases, you will get the impression that a strategy is being create there form of exclusively for the heck of it without real need. In this case though, simply because that a few of the strategies and tactics inside first course are outdated, an latest version is definitely needed. So, I'm sure that many people is going to be anxiously awaiting the opportunity download the merchandise and consume it's content. There is a bit of a problem though. With the way the Internet Marketing community is anymore, it won't really matter how good the technique is. Let's say the knowledge stunk the spot up. How many negative Google Sniper 2 Review threads do you consider you'll actually read?
If you have learned about Google Sniper and wondered when it is the real deal, then you need to have some moments to see this Google Sniper review. It's up to you if you need to join up into this money making program and determine if it is truly good for you. What you will get using this Google Sniper review is the thing that this software is, what it really does, and the way it could effectively work. The real question is this - can Google Sniper benefit everyone, or will it only work with a small number of.
When you go into a distinct segment market you offer a product or a service that assists the folks on this market. With our previous example you might give a guide about how exactly to practice a dog. You would then build an online site where you offer the following information. Then you need to be sure that people how are searching for such something find your internet site. However the wonderful thing about this program is basically that you don't really need to make your own product. You will be taught to get involved with markets where products already exist and where you will be able to sell other artists products. In exchange for selling their product you will get a commission for every single sale you're making. This form of selling is known as online marketing and Google Sniper 2 makes this quite simple so that you can set up simple sites that concentrate on niches.
И т.д. ... Это только 3 варианта и только одного абзаца )) Иногда, сгенерированные spin`ом из заготовки тексты получаются очень похожими. Они исключаются путем сравнения с предыдущими полученными вариантами при помощи функции в PHP similar_text(). Также, отсекаются тексты, которые не прошли "Flesch/Flesch–Kincaid readability tests", о котором можно почитать тут:
Далее, в соответсвии с документацией на API и ответов саппорта (у меня лицензия) на мои глупые вопросы )) был написан код, который все и делает в итоге :)
Сам API SDK находится тут:
Хочу сказать, что у меня рассылки - типа "белые" ))). Ну, не совсем, конечно ... но все-таки это не спам в чистом виде. Аудитория сегментируется и формируется заинтересованная, однако mailchimp время от времени все-таки банит. Но это рабочий процесс )


Ну, не совсем, конечно ... но все-таки это не спам в чистом виде. Аудитория сегментируется и формируется заинтересованная, однако mailchimp время от времени все-таки банит. Но это рабочий процесс )
напиши в личку есть некоторые вопросы по теме
... ...