Панель для Photoshop Enigmatic Light - 150 Photo Оverlays
Включает в себя 150 фото наложения и имеет очень удобный механизм для управления.
Особенности панели:
Особенности панели:
- Быстрое переключение в двух режимов смешивания
- Автоматическое подключение: оттенок, насыщенность и contrst
- Функции преобразования изображения
- Создание с автоматическим МСК Выбор кисти инструмента
- Быстрый запуск с помощью горячих клавиш и легкой установки
- Обучающие видео включены (как установить и как использовать эти накладки и панели)

Enigmatic Light features:
Please note that due to the size of the files in this archive, it can't be uploaded directly to this site, so you will receive the text file with the link where you will be able to download the entire zip file (0.8GB).
All for retouching:
- Alive Light - 50 textures
- Abstract Light - 40 textures
- Art of the Bokeh- 60 textures
- Pixel dimensions 5760x3840
- 300 dpi
- Quick switch in two blend modes
- Automatically connect: hue, saturation and contrast
- Image transformation functions
- Creating msks with automatic selection Brush tool
- Fast run by hotkey and easy installation
- Tutorials video are included (how install and how use this overlays and panel)
Please note that due to the size of the files in this archive, it can't be uploaded directly to this site, so you will receive the text file with the link where you will be able to download the entire zip file (0.8GB).
- Photo Overlays support all software which support blending modes 'Screen' or 'Add'
- Panel support all languages and available for Adobe Photoshop CS4.0 CS5.0 CS5.5, CS6, CC, CC2014, CC2015+
All for retouching:
- Ultimate Retouch 2.0 panel. Professional plugin with 175 functions:
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- 100 Professional Retouch Actions. All that you need to retouch:
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- Photo Controller. A useful tool for retouching with extra features:
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- Retouch in One Click Panel. Fast and quality auto-retouch:
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- Enigmatic Light. Pack containing a 150 textures and panel:
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