[Photoshop] Skin 2.0: Набор Actions для быстрой обработки... на момент создания топика)728 рублей14 долларов (
[*]Mattifier - An easy and safe way to mattify oily skin.
[*]Ultra Mattifier - Use this action for more oily spots.
[*]Skin Airbrushing - After mattifying the skin, use the airbrushing actions to refine the look of skin. This is the same frequency-separation technique used by pro retouchers and it makes skin look smooth while retaining all the skin details.
[*]Skin Airbrushing (Lite) - A more natural-looking variation of the Skin Airbrushing action.
[*]Skin Airbrushing (Sharp) - A stronger variation of the Skin Airbrushing action that also produces sharper skin details.
[*]Skin Blur - For certain demographics, advertising agencies choose to use stronger skin retouching techniques. This action gives the skin a CG-look and retains most skin details.
[*]Plastic Skin - Takes the Skin Blur action a step further with increased smoothness and reduced skin details
[*]Brighten Eyes - Easily brighten eyes and reduce red-eye syndrome. It also retails details in the pupils by preventing clipped highlights/shadows.
[*]Lip Enhancer - Use this action to make the lips look sharper and more vibrant.
[*]Lip Enhancer (Strong) - A stronger variation of the Lip Enhancer action for lips without lipstick.
[*]Teeth Whitener - Reduce yellowness while retaining the natural pearl color of teeth.
[*]Darken Eyelashes & Eyebrows - Easily darken eyelashes and eyebrows without masking.
[*]Freckle Reducer (Light-Brown Freckles Only) - Remove freckles without cloning/healing! This action reduces light-brown freckles (ephelides) and blends them in with the skin.
[*]Redness Reducer - This action is great for reducing skin inflammation and improving skin tones.
[*]Super Sharpen - A custom sharpening algorithm that applies a pixel-sharp sharpening effect that can be faded simply by changing the opacity.
[*]Clipping-Free Contrast - Increase contrast while retaining details in the highlights and shadows.
[*]High-Pass Contrast - This contrast effect is great for increasing clarity in airbrushed skin.
[*]Local Contrast - Use this action to improve edge contrast and photos taken with low-quality lens.
[*]Shadow Contrast - Increase contrast only in the shadows.
[*]Midtone Contrast - Increase contrast only in the midtones.
[*]Highlight Contrast - Increase contrast only in the highlights.
[*]Emphasize Skin Flaws - This action gives your portrait a grungy/dirty look - it find the skin details and emphasizes them without the use of filters.
[*]Diffused Glow - Add a beautiful skin glow that isn't too cheesy. This diffused glow effect looks great because only affects the highlights.
[*]Troubleshooting - Automatically detect and resolve common document issues.
(английский язык):Видеопрезентация:
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Описание всех экшенов
Покупаем, устанавливаем в Photoshop (версии CS3 и выше) и пользуемся.
Как с этим работать?
Actions – рутинные действия, записаные в макрос. Для матирования кожи больше не нужно тратить время на настройку инструмента. Достаточно нажать одну кнопку, и кисть приобретет необходимые параметры. Нажали другую кнопку – и кисть уже может удалять дефекты кожи или, к примеру, отбеливать зубы.
Что это такое?Skin 2.0 – продвинутый набор операций (действий/экшенов) по обработке фотографий.
Пакет продается на CreativeMarket: Спойлер[*]Select Skin Tones - Automatically select skin tones with face detection. Requires Photoshop CS6 or CC (all other actions are compatible with CS3 or newer).Скрытый текст. Доступен только зарегистрированным пользователям.Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть...
[*]Mattifier - An easy and safe way to mattify oily skin.
[*]Ultra Mattifier - Use this action for more oily spots.
[*]Skin Airbrushing - After mattifying the skin, use the airbrushing actions to refine the look of skin. This is the same frequency-separation technique used by pro retouchers and it makes skin look smooth while retaining all the skin details.
[*]Skin Airbrushing (Lite) - A more natural-looking variation of the Skin Airbrushing action.
[*]Skin Airbrushing (Sharp) - A stronger variation of the Skin Airbrushing action that also produces sharper skin details.
[*]Skin Blur - For certain demographics, advertising agencies choose to use stronger skin retouching techniques. This action gives the skin a CG-look and retains most skin details.
[*]Plastic Skin - Takes the Skin Blur action a step further with increased smoothness and reduced skin details
[*]Brighten Eyes - Easily brighten eyes and reduce red-eye syndrome. It also retails details in the pupils by preventing clipped highlights/shadows.
[*]Lip Enhancer - Use this action to make the lips look sharper and more vibrant.
[*]Lip Enhancer (Strong) - A stronger variation of the Lip Enhancer action for lips without lipstick.
[*]Teeth Whitener - Reduce yellowness while retaining the natural pearl color of teeth.
[*]Darken Eyelashes & Eyebrows - Easily darken eyelashes and eyebrows without masking.
[*]Freckle Reducer (Light-Brown Freckles Only) - Remove freckles without cloning/healing! This action reduces light-brown freckles (ephelides) and blends them in with the skin.
[*]Redness Reducer - This action is great for reducing skin inflammation and improving skin tones.
[*]Super Sharpen - A custom sharpening algorithm that applies a pixel-sharp sharpening effect that can be faded simply by changing the opacity.
[*]Clipping-Free Contrast - Increase contrast while retaining details in the highlights and shadows.
[*]High-Pass Contrast - This contrast effect is great for increasing clarity in airbrushed skin.
[*]Local Contrast - Use this action to improve edge contrast and photos taken with low-quality lens.
[*]Shadow Contrast - Increase contrast only in the shadows.
[*]Midtone Contrast - Increase contrast only in the midtones.
[*]Highlight Contrast - Increase contrast only in the highlights.
[*]Emphasize Skin Flaws - This action gives your portrait a grungy/dirty look - it find the skin details and emphasizes them without the use of filters.
[*]Diffused Glow - Add a beautiful skin glow that isn't too cheesy. This diffused glow effect looks great because only affects the highlights.
[*]Troubleshooting - Automatically detect and resolve common document issues.
(английский язык):Видеопрезентация:
Скрытый текст. Доступен только зарегистрированным пользователям.
Описание всех экшенов
- 25 экшенов по обработке фотографий;
- Профессиональный результат без нарушения слоев изображения;
- Полная поддержка 16-бит и частичная поддержка 32-бит с автоматическим определением глубины битов;
- Поддержка ProPhoto RGB;
- Набор используется профессионалами в области ретуши фото;
Покупаем, устанавливаем в Photoshop (версии CS3 и выше) и пользуемся.
Как с этим работать?
Actions – рутинные действия, записаные в макрос. Для матирования кожи больше не нужно тратить время на настройку инструмента. Достаточно нажать одну кнопку, и кисть приобретет необходимые параметры. Нажали другую кнопку – и кисть уже может удалять дефекты кожи или, к примеру, отбеливать зубы.
Что это такое?Skin 2.0 – продвинутый набор операций (действий/экшенов) по обработке фотографий.