Qlilipn - Image to Parallax Video
, the very first Photoshop Actions for Instagram Video. Generate a video with stunning Parallax effect from a static image with super easy steps on Photoshop. Qlilipn change the way you posting your photo to Instagram forever!QlilipnIntroduce you to Скрытый текст. Доступен только зарегистрированным пользователям.
Скрытый текст. Доступен только зарегистрированным пользователям.Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть...
- Format: .mp4
- Resolution: 1080x1080 px.
- Now more easy with only need to play 1 Actions instead of two!
- Ability to Hide / Show Model.
- Ability to Hide / Show Text.
- Ability to Hide / Show Texture.
- Ability to Remove / Add Blurred Effect.
, the very first Photoshop Actions for Instagram Video. Generate a video with stunning Parallax effect from a static image with super easy steps on Photoshop. Qlilipn change the way you posting your photo to Instagram forever!QlilipnIntroduce you to Скрытый текст. Доступен только зарегистрированным пользователям.