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Описание курса:
Learn Swift via tutorials!
Learn Apple’s brand new programming language, Swift, the quick and easy way: via hands-on tutorials!
Through a series of real-world, practical examples you will bring your Swift knowledge from beginner to master.
Start with with the basics like classes, enums, and structs and move all the way to advanced topics like functional programming, Swift and Cocoa integration, and more!
Fully Up-to-Date: This book is fully up-to-date for Swift, iOS 8 and Xcode 6!
Курс стоил 54 доллара. Если есть iOS программисты, или просто интересно, выложу еще ios5,6,7 by tutorials (стоило мне 99$) и серию iOS apprentiece (54$ за 3 урока, с пдфками и исходным кодом)
Описание курса:
Learn Swift via tutorials!
Learn Apple’s brand new programming language, Swift, the quick and easy way: via hands-on tutorials!
Through a series of real-world, practical examples you will bring your Swift knowledge from beginner to master.
Start with with the basics like classes, enums, and structs and move all the way to advanced topics like functional programming, Swift and Cocoa integration, and more!
Fully Up-to-Date: This book is fully up-to-date for Swift, iOS 8 and Xcode 6!
Курс стоил 54 доллара. Если есть iOS программисты, или просто интересно, выложу еще ios5,6,7 by tutorials (стоило мне 99$) и серию iOS apprentiece (54$ за 3 урока, с пдфками и исходным кодом)
Cкрытый контент, нужно авторизируйся или присоединяйся.
Последнее редактирование:
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