Автор: SkillShare
Название: C# Performance Tricks How To Radically Optimize Your Code
Here's a sobering fact: most C# courses only teach you how to write code, and not how to write fast code.
This course is different. I will show you a wide range of performance issues, and measure the benefits of each possible solution. You'll learn some simple tricks that can dramatically improve the performance of your C# code, sometimes making it up to 1000x faster.
After completing this course you will be able to optimize the performance of your own C# code like a pro.
Instructed by Mark Farragher
Название: C# Performance Tricks How To Radically Optimize Your Code
Here's a sobering fact: most C# courses only teach you how to write code, and not how to write fast code.
This course is different. I will show you a wide range of performance issues, and measure the benefits of each possible solution. You'll learn some simple tricks that can dramatically improve the performance of your C# code, sometimes making it up to 1000x faster.
After completing this course you will be able to optimize the performance of your own C# code like a pro.
Instructed by Mark Farragher
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