The system this manual introduces is is called Zettelkasten, a non-linear note filling system used by Niklas Luhmann, which resulted in a communication partner or so-called “second brain” of him.
While it’s very close to a personal wiki in form, but how these two are created and what they are capable of are fundamentally different. Simply put, a Zettelkasten might be implemented by a wiki, but a wiki doesn’t have to be a Zettelkasten, most of them are not.
It's so easy to be both...
The Zettelkasten Manual [Tevin Zhang] ПРОДАЖНИК
While it’s very close to a personal wiki in form, but how these two are created and what they are capable of are fundamentally different. Simply put, a Zettelkasten might be implemented by a wiki, but a wiki doesn’t have to be a Zettelkasten, most of them are not.
It's so easy to be both...
The Zettelkasten Manual [Tevin Zhang] ПРОДАЖНИК
Cкрытый контент, нужно авторизируйся или присоединяйся.
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