Курс по фуд-фото - Story on a Plate: Food Photography


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Курс по фуд-фото - Story on a Plate: Food Photography & StylingСкладчина доступна для ЧК!

Цена: 90$

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Продажник и превью урока: СпойлерFood photography isn’t just about taking a delicious image; it’s a way to tell a story about tastes, seasons, and aesthetics. Learn how to artfully capture that story in-camera and share your work with potential clients and collaborators.

In this course, you will learn how to craft a food story through images that are unique, intimate, and meaningful. Noted food photographers Todd Porter and Diane Cu will show you how to utilize natural light whether you are shooting at the table or in a restaurant. You’ll learn simple techniques for food styling that will keep your food fresh and believable on set. Todd and Diane will also share strategies for creating a thriving food photography business through their successful blend of online marketing and community building.

Whether you want to explore a new career in food photography or are seeking to improve your existing skills, this course will arm you with the technical skills and industry knowledge you need to succeed.

Курс состоит из 48 роликов по разным темам фуд-фотографии.
Складчина доступна для ЧК!
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